With feet rooted deep in the earth of Eifionydd (NW Wales), Gwyneth’s gaze is always drawn to distant horizons. A poet, singer, guitarist and playwright, she sees herself as an artist- adventurer who thrives on experimenting with different forms.
She was appointed Wales’ Poet Laureate for Children 2006 – 2007 and has written extensively for theatre and television. She has three albums of her work under her belt.
No stranger to inter-cultural collaboration, in 2016 Ghazalaw, her collaboration with the Indian ghazal singer Tauseef Akhtar, received a BBC Radio 2 Folk Awards nomination for Best Traditional Track, weaving Welsh folk tunes and folk verses with ghazal, the Urdu love poetry tradition. She has also supported Seckou Keita, kora-player from Senegal on his tour throughout the British Isles, reaching and enchanting new audiences.
She has collaborated with some of Wales’ most prominent artists and recently completed her first opera libretto.
Gwyneth appears on several album tracks and directed and composed the traditional piece ‘Pais Dinogad’, possibly the earliest poem ever recorded written by a woman in Britain.